Hypnotherapists Union Local 472

As a professional, you want to know what is legal in your state, and what legislation is in the works that will affect your business as a hypnotherapist. You also want your interests to be represented in new legislation and at state and national levels.
Hypnotherapists Union Local 472 does that and more. As a member, you have access to many benefits, from travel discounts to life insurance to retirement plans.
By affiliating with the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations), Hypnotherapists have gained much greater political strength and bargaining power then they ever could on their own. The Hypnotherapists Union was organized to protect your career in hypnotherapy. It is the vanguard against restrictive legislation.
By joining the union, your annual dues multiply in effectiveness and provide much more representation in law making and law revisions than you could accomplish alone. By supporting the activities of our union, you support the forward development and protection of our industry.
The Hypnotherapists Union was founded in 1972 by Dr. John Kappas who literally defined the profession of Hypnotherapy when he authored the definition of a "Hypnotherapist" for the Federal Directory of Occupational Titles. This definition was lobbied by the Union affiliates to be added to the Directory and remains unchanged and in effect today. Dr. Kappas started this Union with the vision that Hypnotherapist's could use the AFL-CIO affiliation to protect themselves from restrictive legislation and govern themselves to direct their professional futures.
Check out the website, read about the benefits and activities, and make the choice that's right for you.